321Kids is the children's ministry at Church3TwentyOne. It is designed for children ranging from infant to fifth grade. Our mission is to love and lead kids in following Jesus by creating a positive and engaging experience for children of all ages.
321Kids is provided at the 8:30a, 9:45a & 11:15a services every Sunday morning.
Learn & Grow
321Kids is a safe environment where children can connect with God, each other, and their 321Kids leaders. Through engaging lessons, activities, and small group discussions, we strive to love and lead kids in following Jesus.
Weekly Experience
Small group interaction in preschool through grade 5 creates an environment for children to learn to live out their faith as well as form long-lasting relationships.
Small Groups
New family attending for the first time? Go ahead and pre-register for 321Kids so that you can save time and use your phone number at the check-in kiosk.