
Greg Haueter

Lead Pastor

Greg grew up in Willard, Ohio and graduated from Nyack College just outside New York City. He came to faith in Jesus at a young age thanks to growing up in a Christian home, and through a mentoring relationship with his youth pastor.

 He met Sharry while at Nyack when she came to visit her twin sister. They didn’t date until a few years later when she took the position of youth director at a church just an hour south from where Greg was serving as youth pastor. They married and moved to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio when Greg accepted the position of youth pastor at Chapel Hill Church.

During their time in “The Falls”, they became parents for the first time with their daughter Emily. After five years they moved to Toledo when Greg was called to the role of the Pastor of Student Ministries at Westgate Chapel. Shortly after the move, Emily was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and passed away just before her fourth birthday. However, she was able to see the birth of her brother Matthew. Greg and Sharry had two more sons: Nathan and Andrew.

 After twelve years at Westgate, Greg moved across town to oversee the development of student ministries at CedarCreek Church’s West Toledo campus, where he served for 4 1/2 years. He accepted the challenge to plant Church 3TwentyOne with some of his close friends in late summer of 2013.

 Greg is known for his ability to lead and inspire those who serve with him, and for his transparency, humor and passion when teaching. He’s musically inclined and can often be found hanging out at Starbucks. He’s a gear head and an avid fan of professional sportscar racing, IndyCar and Formula 1. He has served as Chaplain of the Toledo Mud Hens and gets way too involved in following his teams: The Mets, Jets, North Carolina basketball and Notre Dame football.


sharry haueter


Sharry grew up in Lima, OH. She heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time at a Good News Club in her elementary school when she was 9 years old. She gave her heart to Jesus that day. God used that as a turning point in the lives of her parents as they recommitted their lives to Christ.As a sophomore in High School she attended a National Youth Conference where she sensed God's call on her life for fulltime ministry. She graduated from Crown College with a degree in Christian Education/Youth Ministry and became the second full-time female Youth Pastor in the denomination in which she was serving. It was during that time she reconnected Greg and they were married November 24, 1990.

Sharry loves serving alongside Greg at Church 3TwentyOne. However, her greatest role is that of being a mom. Her only daughter Emily was 3 1/2 years old when she died from a cancerous brain tumor in 1997. It is a heartache that has transformed and shaped her deeper relationship with Jesus. She also has three adult sons: Matthew, Nathan, and Andrew.

Sharry is an engaging teacher/speaker and leader who is committed to helping people live in the freedom of Jesus. She loves engaging with people and hearing their stories. Feel free to introduce yourself to her on a Sunday morning. She also enjoys a good Chai Tea latte and hanging out with her family.



Community Life Pastor

Jason grew up in Plain City, Ohio, a small-town northwest of Columbus, the middle child of three boys. Most of his childhood was spent on a 3-wheeler, dribbling a soccer ball, adventuring with friends, or running with his Walkman on the country roads around his home.

Jason attended a traditional church growing up, attending each Sunday with his mom and brothers. After two years at OSU, Jason transferred to Bowling Green State University. Within his first week, he met a couple guys who lived their lives differently than he had ever encountered. They invited him to the campus church and Jason hesitantly attended, sitting in the back row so he could easily leave in case things got “weird.” When the pastor opened his Bible and started teaching, it got Jason’s attention as the words he was speaking were relevant to his life. Through some research of his own and the influence of the guys who lived their lives so differently, Jason understood that Jesus desired a relationship, not a religion, and accepted Christ in the fall of 1994.

Jason met his wife Amy at a Christian Leadership retreat in Myrtle Beach in the summer of 1995. Returning to BGSU for the fall semester, their friend groups began hanging out together, encouraging each other to grow in their faith. Noticing each other for more than friends, Jason and Amy began dating in June 1996. One year later they were engaged and one year after that, they were married in August 1998.

Since the time Jason was a little boy, his desire was to be a doctor, so he majored in biology. Once he became a Christian, he prayed about his future and felt God calling him to something different. He spent two years getting his master’s degree at BGSU which allowed him more time with the campus church, growing in his faith and determining what his next steps would be.

Jason and Amy started attending CedarCreek church in Perrysburg in the spring of 1998 and it was in the fall of 2000 that Jason felt God calling him into vocational ministry. While on staff with CedarCreek, Jason has held various positions including care pastor, associate pastor, and campus pastor.

Jason has a heart for people, and he loves listening to and encouraging others to pursue God’s best for their life. He also has a passion for financial freedom and is a Certified Dave Ramsey Financial Coach.

Jason and Amy have two teenagers, Matt and Meghan, and they enjoy vacationing together, especially to their family cabin in the UP of Michigan. On his days off, Jason can be found running the trails, swinging a golf club at a local course, mowing his lawn, and enjoying a good meal with friends and family.


Ron Rader

Worship Arts Director

Ron grew up in Reno Beach, Ohio and, early in his life, learned about Jesus and the Gospel from his grandfather, an ordained minister and accomplished bluegrass musician.  Many of Ron’s earliest memories are of musicians frequently visiting his grandparents’ home for “jam sessions.” During this time, Ron developed a passion for music and for the guitar in particular. Fortunately, his grandfather was gracious enough to allow him to bang on his guitars until Ron’s hands were big enough to fret chords.

Ron went on to study music in college and has played in several bands, but – in recent years – he has returned to what his grandfather had taught him long ago: there is nothing more satisfying for a musician than to focus his or her passion for music on worship of our Lord. 
In 2011 Ron married Jean, his wonderful wife who he is certain that The Lord handpicked just for him. They have two children, Isaac and Anna. Ron’s role as a husband and father has been one of the greatest blessings in his life. To say it has increased his faith would be an understatement.

Their family began attending Church 3TwentyOne shortly after it launched. Often, you can find them in 321Kids or having a snack between services in the Café.   

Ron’s interests aren’t limited to music: he is an avid baseball fan and comic book collector. In his spare time, if he isn’t practicing guitar, he is either watching a ball game or sitting next to a pile of comics, reading several into the wee hours of the night.